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Go from fleet to mobility in 10 steps

Transitioning from a fleet to a corporate mobility programme can seem like an overwhelming challenge. Actually, it’s all about developing a clear strategy – just as you would for any other multidisciplinary change management project.

Demystifying the corporate mobility strategy

When taking your first steps towards an alternative, sustainable and all-inclusive mobility programme, a good strategy is crucial: it ensures the activities are aligned with your organisation’s broader business goals, enables you to identify opportunities for success and helps you to prioritise them in terms of feasibility. It also allows you to clearly define roles, responsibilities and KPIs for your mobility programme, and strengthens the ties between your business stakeholders, colleagues and mobility partners. Use the proven strategic roadmap below to embark on your journey towards alternative and intelligent corporate mobility.

A best-practice strategic roadmap for the transition from fleet to corporate mobility

1. Assess the current situation

Start your journey by gaining a clear picture of the as-is situation. What is your current mobility offering? What are the mobility profiles in your company? What do your stakeholders want? And how does mobility fit within your overall company strategy and ESG goals?

2. Understand the alternative mobility market

Follow this up with external analysis to get yourself and the team up to speed on the latest market developments, solutions and players. This is a good time to involve the right mobility experts from within and/or outside of your organisation.

3. Build the business case for change

Based on all these insights, build the business case for change. Create scenarios including the Why, What and How for each of them. A SWOT analysis enables informed decision-making on the mobility mission and priorities at the top of your organisation.

4. Communicate mobility plans from the top down

Communication is always a critical success factor, but especially so when sharing your mobility plans with the entire workforce. Ensure that the senior management actively supports the communication activities.

5. Think big, but start small

Although corporate mobility has a broad and all-encompassing reach, start small with just a few pilots to stay agile and increase your chances of success.



6. Select suppliers and solutions

Once you have decided on the desired mobility solutions for the pilots, select the right partners through a proper RFP process. And don’t just focus on the pilots; bear your longer-term mobility goals in mind too.

7. Plan for the implementation

Formalise your new mobility programme with a clear and pragmatic implementation plan. This helps you manage the expectations on the one hand and the resources on the other.

8. Kick-start your mobility programme

Double-check that your operational team is ready and that your mobility partners and their solutions are in the starting blocks. Remember to test your pilot before the go-live date. Then kick-start your programme with communication and implementation campaigns. This is also the time to launch related policy and compliance rules.

9. Measure and celebrate success

During the initial go-live weeks, tackle start-up issues and user questions quickly and effectively through a specialised user-service centre to gain valuable early-user feedback. Some unforeseen issues are inevitable, but don’t lose sight of the purpose of the transition. Acknowledge that there are possibilities for further improvement but, most importantly, celebrate and share the user success stories.

10. Continue to expand your mobility programme based on reporting and analysis

Now you’ve cleared the first hurdles, it’s important to monitor and analyse critical success factors such as your ESG deliverables and user satisfaction. Share your insights for the benefit of future mobility solutions and the next-in-line countries.

Note from the author: this article was also published by Fleet Europe - April 2022

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